Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

PNC Uses Social Media to Support Reg E Efforts

It appears PNC Bank is leveraging all available channels in their effort to capture as many opt-ins as possible. Today, I received a Tweet from PNC Virtual Wallet offering a description of the difference between overdraft protection and overdraft coverage. The message directed me to my Inside the Wallet Blog within the Virtual Wallet online banking site.

On the Blog, PNC innovation and Virtual Wallet leader Michael Ley, describes the options a customer has as to whether to opt-in or not with his post, "To “Opt In” or not “Opt In”… What is the Question?". Illustrations are used to help describe the options a customer has.

If after I read the Blog posting from Mike Ley, I still want more information, I am directed to the PNC overdraft solutions landing page for all the answers to Reg E questions as presented using a video presentation from the head of deposit products at PNC, Todd Barnhart. In addition to the very clear video, further descriptions are provided around overdraft solutions, including several overdraft protection options (with direct links) as well as the pricing schedule for overdraft protection. The site also has an extensive FAQ section and more ideas around managing money.

Overall, the integration of online and social media communication in addition to traditional direct channels used by PNC will most definitely improve the bank's Reg E opt-in rate. It will be interesting to see the ways in which other banks get their regulatory message out and the success rates experienced.


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: 19.20 Kategori:

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